So spring has finally arrived with warm weather and beautiful flowers! Trees and shrubs are starting to break bud and perennials are slowly emerging. Now is a great time to evaluate the garden to see what needs replacing or what areas need sprucing. But do remember before you pull out that Crape Myrtle or Rose of Sharon, that some plants wake up late and should be left alone until the second week of May to determine if they faired the winter well or not.

Bit's Tip #7

When planting evergreens in deer country, protect them from damage through the winter by either spraying them with Deer Free Winter Armor or by wrapping netting around them. Because even the most deer resistant plants can fall victim to grumbling deer tummies!

Bit's Tip #4

Fall is for planting!
 As the days get shorter, the temperatures drop, and the rains start to come back, plants start to produce more root growth to supply the flush of new growth they will produce next spring. Fall is a great time to plant...for you and them.

Bit's Tip #2

Don't forget to dead-head your perennials and flowering shrubs to encourage rebloom. Plants like Hydrangeas, Butterfly Bushes, Salvias and Nepetas will send up secondary blossoms if the spent ones are removed.